ECP Withholds Results Of 26 Parliamentary Seats On Court Order


In the wake of injunctive (stay) orders issued by the courts, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has put on hold the results of 10 National Assembly and 16 provincial assembly seats.

The results of one of the 10 NA seats was challenged by PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif while the results of three other seats were challenged by PTI independent candidates who had got victory in these constituencies with a huge margin of votes.

It appears that there the nation could face a delay the formation of the next government.

Meanwhile, a PTI leader has stated on his social media account that his party has decided to cancel the protest against rigging in the general elections.

Former federal minister Hammad Azhar said that his party was cancelling street protests over alleged vote rigging.  However, he added, the PTI would only agitate outside the offices of election authorities.

In a post on X, Hammad, “PTI is a peaceful party that has ushered in a revolution through the ballot. Our mandate is being stolen but we will not allow our struggle to be hijacked by nefarious designs.”

He added,  “Therefore today’s protests at all central points cancelled. Workers to protest only outside RO offices where Form 47 were forged.”

The PTI decision to cancel the protests comes when several other political parties have also announced protests against alleged election rigging.

Jamaat-e-Islami announced it would demonstrate at different spots in Karachi, the country’s largest city in the province of Sindh.

“Stealing Karachi’s mandate is unacceptable,” the JI said in a post on X. the party gave details of the locations where they will be protesting.

Likewise, another religious and political party Jamiat Ulema Islam-Pakistan said it would protest across Sindh by blocking highways.

Also the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) is protesting and demanding free and fair results of the elections.

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