Alliance will legalise all katchi abadis if voted to power.

General National

The Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) on Friday announced its manifesto for the Feb 8 general election, declaring that the alliance would give the district governments administrative power of all municipal affairs, including those of urban and rural development.

Unveiling the 10-point document at a press conference, GDA Information Secretary Sardar Abdul Rahim said district governments would be given powers to run affairs of education, health, agriculture, social sector, religious affairs, water supply and sewage in their respective jurisdictions.

“Construction of roads and flyover will be carried out by an authorised body,” he added.

He said that the GDA would start various projects for the welfare of public after coming to the government.

The district governments will be empowered by forming a district finance commission on the pattern of the provincial finance commission,” he said, adding that a democratic welfare state, based on modern Islamic and public equality, was the aim of the alliance.

Sardar Rahim said that the GDA would strive for a society based on economic stability, prosperity, non-violence, religious tolerance and social justice in the province, where cultural, linguistic, minority and religious units would be fully respected.

The GDA leader said that it was clear in their manifesto that all kinds of exploitation in the society would be eliminated and the salary of laborers would be fixed in proportion to inflation. Contract system would be abolished and resources would be distributed fairly in the province, he said.

“Jobs for people of the province and admissions of students in the educational institution will be one of our priorities after coming into power,” he added.

Rights of the citizen would be ensured for the implementation of real democracy, he said.

He said that the GDA had in its manifesto declared all slums built till 2023 legal. “But no more slums will be allowed in future,” he said, adding that the demolition of ancient goths would be stopped.

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