Israeli settlers fire on Palestinian residents in West Bank town


Israeli settlers, supported by the regime’s forces, have killed a young Palestinian man in a violent attack on a town near the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said armed settlers fired on Thursday live ammunition at the town’s residents, killing 23-year-old Rashid Mahmoud Sedda. Another young Palestinian was also critically injured.

The new casualties came after more than 100 settlers attacked the town, shooting civilians and setting fire to four houses and six cars.

The Hamas resistance movement strongly condemned the aggression against Palestinian civilians.

It described the attack as a new failed attempt by Israeli forces and settlers that will not deter Palestinians from pursuing the path to freedom.

Since Israel unleashed a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip in early October 2023, casualties have been rising in the West Bank as a result of intensified near-daily raids by the regime troops into Palestinian towns.

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