CM Sindh and Japan ambassador discuss progress of Rs8.5bn JICA projects

International National

KARACHI (March 30): Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah in his meeting with Ambassador of Japan Mr WADA Mitsuhiro discussed the development projects launched with the support of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for Rs8500.5 million.

Upgradation of schools: The chief minister said that the JICA project of upgradation of Girls Schools into Elementary Schools in rural areas has been launched for Rs2,287.24 million and was at the advanced stage. He added that the prequalification of the contractor and bids for construction and completion of works have been finalised.
It was pointed out that in the first phase, 11 elementary schools were being constructed, including seven in Khairpur district and four in Naushehroferoze. In the second phase construction of elementary schools in Sukkur, Larkana and Malir Karachi would be taken up. The main components of the project include civil works and procurement of furniture.
The Ambassador of Japan said that the project was most important, therefore it needed to be expedited.

Flood Response: Discussing the program for Flood Response Through Reconstruction of Education Facilities the CM said that the project has been initiated with the assistance of JICA in 9 districts- three in Mirpurkhas Division, two each in Nawabshah and Khairpur, one each in Sukkur and Ghotki.
The project has been launched for Rs1.566 billion, including Rs1.42 billion of JICA and Rs142.41 million of Sindh government share. Under the project primary school buildings badly damaged by the floods and heavy rains are being reconstructed. The damaged furniture would be replaced, and the school buildings would be solarised.
The CM told the Ambassador that the consultant agreement signed and verified by the JICA had been achieved, and work would be started shortly.

Maternal & Child Health: The Sindh government has launched the project of establishing a Maternal and Child Health Care Center at Liaquat University Hospital, Jamshoro for Rs4963.331 million, including Rs174.225 million Sindh government share.
The CM said that the objective was to extend/strengthen the medical services including neonatal/children hospital and MCH Center, LUH Jamshoro.
The centre would be provided with the equipment for the facilitation of the patients and to improve healthcare and reduce maternal & infant mortality in the Hyderabad division and adjacent areas.
Mr Shah said that the centre would also provide tertiary care level health services while improving OPD/ indoor, intensive care, operation theatre, general ward and emergency services for mothers, infants and neonates.

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