Pakistan challenges Indian claims on Turbat naval base attack

General International National

Pakistan dismissed claims from India about a terrorist attack on the Turbat naval base as “false” and “baseless” on Tuesday.

The Pakistani government condemned the spread of “misleading information” and “fabricated videos”
circulating on social media regarding Turbal Naval Base

According to sources, the recent incidents in Balochistan prompted Indian media to intensify negative propaganda against Pakistan. Indian media has in past disseminated fake videos and false narratives against Pakistan to create confusion and fear.

Videos purporting to show attacks on the Khad Koocha police station are actually fake. Pakistan’s security operations in Balochistan are described as ongoing and effective, aimed at combating terrorism.

The Pakistani authorities stated that the primary goal of such misinformation was to instigate panic and chaos.

The Pakistan army and other security agencies remain on high alert to safeguard critical installations across the country. They are “fully equipped” to address and counter any threats or intimidation.In March, terrorists attempted to attack the naval base, PNS Siddique, in Turbat but their attempt was thwarted by an active response by the Pakistan military.In a statement the military’s media wing, ISPR, would latest release, security forces in the vicinity were immediately mobilised to support the naval troops.

All four terrorists were killed in the ensuing battle. One Pakistani solider also lost his life

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