Once again country facing shortage of life-saving medicines

General National

There has been a shortage of life-saving medicines across the country once again, with 27 essential medicines including insulin not available at medical stores.

Drug Inspector Sindh says that 27 important drugs including insulin are not available in medical stores in Karachi and Secretary Provincial Drug Quality Control Board Sindh Syed Adnan Rizvi has written a letter and ordered the drug inspectors of the entire province to survey the unavailable drugs. .

According to the officials, 30 important medicines are not available in the market even in the federal capital Islamabad and its surroundings.

Officials say the unavailable drugs include antibiotics, psychiatric and asthma drugs, while tetanus injections and different types of inhalers are also in dire shortage.

On the other hand, Drape officials have claimed that there is no major shortage of drugs in the country, there could be supply chain issues.

DRAP officials say that they conduct drug availability survey on a weekly basis across the country, insulin is available in abundance and available to patients, adding that there is no truth in the reports of insulin shortage.

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