Sindh IG reviews city security arrangements


KARACHI   –  Inspector General of Police (IGP) Sindh Riffat Mukhtar Raja chaired an important meeting at the Central Po­lice Office Karachi regarding the cur­rent law and order situation, particu­larly in Karachi.

The meeting was attended by Ad­ditional IGP Karachi, as well as DIGPs of Headquarters, Welfare, Adminis­tration, Zonal DIGPs, District SSPs of Karachi, in addition to AIGPs of Ad­ministration, Finance, and other po­lice officers.

Detailed briefings were given dur­ing the meeting regarding the current condition of the decoration, arrange­ment, and maintenance of various police stations in Karachi.

Discussions were also held during the meeting regarding the current law and order situation in Karachi, specifically focusing on the security measures and operational directives for the first session of the Sindh As­sembly scheduled for February 24th.

and surveillance throughout the city, ensuring a robust and exceptional setup for advanced intelligence col­lection and prompt response sys­tems for every received information to effectively tackle pre-emptive and timely actions against crime.

Further directives were given to ensure complete security provi­sion for the arrival and departure of members of the Sindh Assembly, and crowd management units were also instructed to be appointed for public convenience during the Sindh Assem­bly session to deal with any unpleas­ant incidents effectively.

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