James Cameron confirms he has ‘Avatar 6 and 7’ planned

Entertainment International

Hollywood director James Cameron revealed he has ideas for the sixth and seventh films of the critically acclaimed ‘Avatar‘ franchise.

James Cameron talked about the future of the franchise in an interview with the United States lifestyle news agency People. The report stated that the third film is scheduled to release in 2025, whereas the fourth and fifth movies could see the light in 2029 and 2031. 

The sixth and seventh films will be released in mid 2030s. James Cameron said he has ideas for them but may not direct it as he could die by the time it happen.

“We’re fully written through movie five, and I’ve got ideas for six and seven, although I’ll probably be handing the baton on at that point,” James Cameron said as quoted by People in its report. “I mean, mortality catches up. But we’re enjoying what we’re doing. We’re loving it. We get to work with great people.”

The director said his vision is for ‘Avatar‘ to be as renowned as other prolific franchises such as Star Wars and Star Trek. 

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