Opposition’s protest forces Karachi City Council to defer treasury resolution on KMC hospitals


The general meeting of the council of the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC), held at its Council Hall witnessed aggressive approach from the very beginning when the opposition was seen very keen to discuss the progress of the last session’s recommendation and the treasury mostly representing Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) members was interested more in discussing Wednesday judgement of the Supreme Court that finally corrected a historic wrong by accepting that the murder trial of former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was unfair.

As the PPP members raised their points to discuss the SC verdict, the opposition members mainly from Jamaat-i-Islami and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf stood up raising slogans and asking for an opportunity to speak first. As the JI members were insistent on knowing the status of progress made by the committees which were formed by the council in last session, the PTI wanted to raise the issue of their jailed leader Imran Khan and party workers who were behind the bar for May 9 violence.

local government system.

“We believe that this is a very sensitive issue and you can’t pass such a resolution in such a haste,” he said.

“We wonder why the chair [Mayor Wahab] didn’t inform the council members or at least parliamentary leaders about the agenda. We should have been made aware that such a resolution would be presented. We don’t support such a move and want this council to discuss this very sensitive matter.”

Upon strong protest, the resolution was deferred till the next meeting of the council.

Mayor Wahab also vowed to take parliamentary leaders of the council into confidence while preparing agenda for the next meeting at least three days before the session was summoned.

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